
ALF appointed to the board of Leaseurope


Leaseurope, the European Federation of Leasing, elected its new board of directors for the three-year period 2024-2026 at its General Assembly on October 3rd.

ALF – Portuguese Association of Leasing, Factoring and Renting was elected to one of the 12 seats on the board and will be represented on this umbrella body which brings together 46 national associations across Europe, representing banks, captive institutions and independent lessors, as well as long and short-term car rental companies.

ALF’s representative on the Leaseurope Board will be Júlio Jacob, director of ALF and head of leasing and factoring specialists Novo Banco, who will be representing the geographical cluster of Portugal, Spain and Greece. 

Júlio Jacob, director of ALF, said: “It is an honour to take on the position of board member of the European Federation of Leasing – Leaseurope, representing ALF and the interests of southern European countries such as Portugal, Greece and Spain.

“I will do everything I can to help develop leasing in Europe in the context of the current challenges facing this activity, which is one of the main instruments for promoting business investment, with an emphasis on private individuals, and together with renting, to support the energy transition and green mobility.”

Leaseurope’s full Board of Directors for the three-year period 2024-2026 is:

  • Chairman: Stefan Davidsson – Executive Vice President, DNB Finans
  • Vice-Chairman: Alexander Schmidecker – CEO, Raiffeisen Leasing
  • Vice-Chairman: Khaled Shahbo – Senior VP Europe, Enterprise Mobility
  • Tim Albertsen – Group CEO, Ayvens
  • Júlio Jacob – Leasing & Factoring Director, Novo Banco
  • Hervé Leroux – Deputy CEO, Crédit Agricole Leasing and Factoring (CALF)
  • Carlo Mescieri – President, ASSILEA
  • Olaf Meyer – Chief Risk Officer, Siemens Finance & Leasing GmbH
  • John Phillipou – MD of SME Lending, Paragon Bank
  • Jehan de Thé – Group Public Affairs Director, Europcar Mobility Group
  • Dirk Boeykens – Business Unit Manager, BNP Leasing Solutions
  • Jana Hanusova – CEO, ESSOX

The ALF, which represents the leasing, factoring and renting sectors in Portugal, also sits as vice-president of the European Factoring Federation (EUF), with Vitor Graça, ALF’s secretary-general, joining the executive team led by Fausto Galmarini.