
Copernicus launches Juki – a free financial calculator

Jones allen

Copernicus has launched Juki, a free-of-charge financial calculator.

Allen Jones, Copernicus’ founder explained that Juki is a sophisticated financial calculator which is very easy to use and available as an App for iPhone, iPad and Android as well as running in a standard web browser to perform offline calculations.

He said: “The calculations are for daily or equal periods to price leases, mortgages, hire purchase and loans. The frequency of repayments may be calculated monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually and there may be any number of repayment profiles each of which may be fixed or calculated to achieve a yield or net present value of profit.

“You can also target the cost, residual value or any other cash flow and perform settlement quotations based on discounting future payments.  There is a premium version which enables sharing of saved evaluations and an enterprise version which enables direct integration into your administration system including messaging to progress proposal workflows.”

Juki has been internationalised to enable European, US and Chinese date formats and optional adjustments for business days. The user may choose from English, German, French, Spanish, Greek or Chinese as the display language.

Juki can be downloaded from: App Store link:
Play Store link:
Or simply search for “Juki” in the App or Play Store.

The web interface can also be accessed at this address: