Fleet Finance Sponsored by Auto Finance Fleet Finance News New European fleet management association sets out detail on how it will work Published: 19th July 2018 Share The founding members of the not-for-profit European Fleet and Mobility Management Association (EUFMA) have agreed on how the organisation will collaborate in the future. The founder members met during the Global Fleet Conference in Rome at the end of May this year and agreed that the EUFMA will be headquartered in Mannheim, Germany. Each of the national associations will elect a representative to serve as a member of the board, which coordinates the association’s activities. The Board of Directors was appointed by the founding associations in Rome: Henning Heise (chairman of the Austrian Fleet Association), Ralf Käser (Board member of sffv – the Swiss mobility association) – and Axel Schäfer (managing director of Germany’s Federal Association for Fleet Management). The goal of the association is to bundle and represent the interests of national associations as a European umbrella organisation, to promote the cross-border exchange of experience among the member associations, and to provide the national associations with access to expertise in the area of fleet and mobility management. Axel Schäfer, member of the EUFMA Board, said: “However, we will also adopt a position on political, economic, legal and fiscal issues at European level, and comment on them.” Schäfer said there are currently five other European associations engaged in talks to join EUFMA. The admission of additional associations requires the approval of two-thirds of all existing EUFMA member associations. The board has confirmed it will meet formally twice a year and will be holding Skype or phone conferences between those official meetings, if necessary. Membership of the EUFMA is free of charge until further notice. Any costs incurred will be shared equally among the members “after prior agreement”. Schäfer said: “It was exactly the right time to launch a European umbrella organization, as a pan-European pooling of interests makes sense. “The EUFMA will be inviting associations from all over Europe to an international meeting in November 2018 as part of the EUROFLEET event in Barcelona where it will present and discuss the planned activities.” Asset Finance Connect Asset Finance Connect brings you news and updates about UK and European auto, equipment and asset finance providers. Sign up to our newsletter Featured Stories NewsUnion warns thousands of auto jobs depend on ZEV mandate reforms NewsExperts urge government action as study reveals two-thirds of drivers reluctant to switch to EVs NewsFrom sales to sentiment: understanding the EV market in 2025 Auto Finance Fleet Finance