
Leaseurope 2023 Future Group: Innovating tomorrow, today


To encourage innovation in the leasing industry, Leaseurope created the Future Group Programme in 2013 in which, each year, the association gives young industry talents the opportunity to come up with new original ideas and to present these to the industry key players at Leaseurope’s Annual Convention. This initiative has become a permanent fixture in Leaseurope’s calendar and a very popular item at the Convention.

Leaseurope has started the process for candidate nominations to represent leasing and asset finance companies for the 2023 Future Group Programme.

The meetings will be held in Brussels as well as online and facilitated by Leaseurope’s associate member Invigors.

The objectives of the Future Group are to:

  • Provide promising individuals with an environment in which they can express themselves freely and develop innovative ideas which may benefit the entire industry
  • Help them discover the multiple facets of the industry beyond their daily activities
  • Establish a talent pool from which future industry leaders may emerge
  • Allow the young talents to engage with the wider industry, giving them exposure to senior industry practitioners and visibility at the Annual Convention

How the 2023 Future Group will work

Participants will be nominated by the heads of European leasing companies; in April, 15 candidates will be selected to take part in the Future Group programme of 2023 and work in teams of five to come up with practical and innovative solutions to current challenges facing the leasing industry.

The CEO Business Council, composed of major industry players, will be discussing current industry issues in April and will decide on the general themes for the Future Group to work on.

After several in-person and online meetings, the Future Group will present their best ideas in a dedicated session at the Annual Convention, in Vienna, Austria, in October.

For any additional information, please visit or contact the Leaseurope Secretariat at