
Leaseurope director general to discuss outlook for European auto and equipment finance in 2025 at AFC Unconference


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Richard Knubben will be leading the opening session at the AFC European Unconference online on 21st January (12.00 – 14.30 CET).  He will be talking with AFC’s content leader David Betteley about the outlook for European market in 2025.

 This Asset Finance Connect European Unconference provides an opportunity for the most senior industry practitioners in Europe to meet in small groups online to discuss topics which are of interest to them. The event consists of a briefing session followed by two sessions of moderated discussions where participants talk about topics they have identified as important to the industry at present. Topics are expected to consider the role of the industry in driving the green transition; the ongoing debate around regulation and stimulating growth in the EU economies; the opportunities to leverage AI in the equipment finance, and the impact on the industry of geopolitical turmoil in the EU in France and Germany and further afield (China, US, Ukraine, Middle East).

The unconference is an invitation only free to attend event – but any senior European finance practitioners who have not yet received their invitation and would like to attend should write to