Appointments Key leadership changes at Invigors Published: 21st October 2019 Share Invigors, the European asset finance consulting and advisory firm, has changed its leadership and ownership structure. The new Invigors leadership team includes Paul Johnson-Ferguson and Patrick Gouin, based in Paris, Ian Robertson, based in Zurich, and Kieran O’Brien, based in Dublin, who take over with immediate effect. Existing partners Chris Boobyer, Richard Guilbert, Mike Roberts, Richard Ryan and George Tonks will leave the management team, but remain within the business as senior advisors. Invigors, part of the Alta Group is one of Europe’s leading asset finance advisory and consulting companies. Johnson-Ferguson (pictured) said: “Our team of market experts and experienced business advisors will continue to deliver insight, innovation and business impact to our clients, and we will look to support our clients to innovate and exploit new technologies. This will be a growing part of our service offering.” Robertson said the new team would focus on supporting the industry through significant change in the market. He added: “In the next few years the tipping point will arrive where a majority of customers no longer buy assets but only purchase services. We see a huge opportunity to build on the solid foundations laid by the former Invigors management team over the last 15 years to help manufacturers, distributors, asset finance providers and service companies prepare for and implement these changes.” Asset Finance Connect Asset Finance Connect brings you news and updates about UK and European auto, equipment and asset finance providers. Sign up to our newsletter Featured Stories Corporate Member Leasing ProfessionalsEconocom’s Starlight Soirée TechnologyKevin Day steps down as Lendscape CEO Leasing ProfessionalsJoin the AFPA Trust BIG Cycle 2025