Jason Hurwitz, Sales Director Europe at NETSOL Technologies will be joining a discussion at the AFC Leaders’ Summit Europe led by Bill Stephenson, Global CEO of PEAC Solutions, around the challenge for the asset finance divisions of banks as they compete for alternate uses of bank capital.
At the summit, Stephenson will share his view that the asset finance divisions of big banks are suffering from an acute dependency on high capital availability and cheap funding, which has been the catalyst for the growth of low margin business. With the interest rate environment normalising and defaults now on the rise, these same firms will be under renewed scrutiny and pressure from their bank parents. This shift in market conditions will require these firms to undertake further calibration of the risk-reward balance in order to deliver a reasonable return on equity and justify further investment.
Stephenson’s comments will coincide with a call from Deloitte for asset finance businesses to establish new business models and make the right tech investments to become leaders in an emerging environment-focused future that is now inevitable. Deloitte are cautioning that policy uncertainties and margin concerns will cause some firms to defer key decisions.
AFC Leaders’ Summit Europe will comprise over 100 of Europe’s leading auto and equipment finance leaders meeting in Brussels on April 16th to discuss emerging issues in the asset finance industry, against a backdrop of uncertainty which may challenge the unwary.
The leading line-up of senior industry practitioners includes Richard Knubben, director general of the Leaseurope who will outline policy opportunities and objectives that are the focus of attention for the EU in the lead-in to the elections in June. Bill Stephenson, global CEO of PEAC Solutions will discuss the need to seek out high margin businesses after a period in which equipment finance companies have grown used to low margins; John Saffrett, group deputy CEO of Ayvens (the new name for Leaseplan/ALD Automotive) will talk about who pays for the transition (as the French government considers the right mix of malus and reward).
Asset Finance Connect Leaders’ Summit Europe is an invitation only one-day summit taking place at the Steigenberger Icon Wiltcher’s in Brussels on April 16, 2024.
Automotive and equipment finance companies who would like to attend this year’s event should write to louiseclavey@assetfinanceconnect.com or apply online at https://afcleadersummit.com/2024/en/page/submit-your-registration
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