Auto Finance News

IAFN reshapes leadership team as it prepares for future growth

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The International Asset Finance Network (IAFN) has announced changes to its senior team as it prepares for future growth.

IAFN was founded in 2013 by Edward Peck (pictured), chief executive officer of Asset Finance International, consulting editor Brian Rogerson, and Professor Colin Tourick, a specialist in the automotive fleet and asset finance markets.

Since its first conference in 2014, it has grown to become the largest asset finance conference in Europe.

Under the management changes, Asset Finance International will acquire Tourick’s 50% interest in IAFN.

Tourick said: “IAFN has some ambitious plans for the future and I have many commitments outside IAFN, so now seemed a good time to sell my interest to AFI.”

Following the deal, Peck said: “Colin’s involvement has been essential in getting IAFN to where it is today. He will of course continue to be involved in the conferences in future, though perhaps at in rather less time-consuming way than in the past.”

Last year’s IAFN conference attracted a global audience of more than 400 delegates.

The next IAFN conference will be held on June 13, 2019 in London, in association with the Leasing Foundation.

The theme will be ‘positioning your organisation to succeed in the emerging auto and equipment finance ecosystem’ and will feature presentations from a wealth of industry speakers.

Themes covered across auto, fleet and equipment finance will include:

  • The effects of servitisation on the auto and equipment finance industry.
  • The opportunities and challenges for manufacturer captives in creating a digital, service-oriented offering.
  • What is the future for the traditional auto finance model?
  • Are service based models an expensive distraction from simple finance products?
  • Enabling & enhancing mobility operations – how to better manage the ever changing mobility fleet to best serve the end user.
  • The changing company car landscape.
  • Developing service-based payment models in equipment finance.
  • Opportunities for managing credit risk through open banking.
  • Understanding the emerging asset finance technology ecosystem.

For full details visit the event website or to reserve a ticket, complete the form below


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