Auto Finance News

German dealer association publishes social distancing advice

german cars

Germany’s federation for motor trades and repairers, the Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (ZDK ), has published guidelines for vehicle dealerships opening to the public as lockdown measures are eased.

Advice is broken down into 10 core areas, starting with general and widely adopted hygiene rules, of which employees and customers should be clearly informed.

Customers must be able to see obvious visual advice about distancing rules, gatherings should be kept to a maximum of two people and there should be a distance of at least 1.5 metres between the staff and customers at all times.

Reception areas should include a one-way entrance and exit system and desks need to be fitted with panes or plexiglass panels.

Customers should be seated separately in the waiting area, again with a minimum distance of 1.5 metres. Newspapers and magazines should not be displayed.

Vending machines should either be off limits or regularly disinfected.

Children’s play areas should either be closed or limited to one-child or family at a time and toys should be disinfected after use.

In the showroom, staff and customers should not sit inside a car simultaneously, any surfaces contacted by staff or customers should be cleaned, vehicles should be ventilated after an inspection and brochures and printed information should not be reused where possible.

In the office, customers should be issued with disposable pens for signing contracts.

Customers and staff should not be in the vehicle at the same time during a test drive.

When vehicles are delivered, staff should explain specific functions via digital videos where possible, refrain from shaking hands and any promotional gifts should be left inside the vehicle before it is handed to the customer.

The guidelines were translated into English by the National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) and can be viewed by clicking here.

A growing number of countries have issued sector-specific guidance for the motor industry, including the UK, where the National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) and Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) have launched a detailed guide to help ensure all showrooms are safe spaces for employees and customers.