Auto Finance News

Hydrogen Car Roadshow promotes benefits of fuel cell technology

Marchment paul 400

Leasing giant Arval is hosting a UK roadshow to raise awareness of the potential benefits of hydrogen vehicles.

The roadshow is visiting five locations throughout the UK and has already stopped in Swindon, Oxford and Leeds. Birmingham University will host the next event in October, followed by a final stop in London.

Arval built its expertise in hydrogen through its extensive involvement in the Hydrogen Hub, a Government-backed project that carries out research on the potential real-world applications of fuel cell technology for a range of domestic, commercial and transport utilities.

It is an industry-led community with members from throughout the hydrogen and fuel cell supply chain, government, local authorities, businesses, current and potential users. It runs nine hydrogen cars with a range of fleet customers.

Since its inception in 2016, the hub has generated more than £1.5 million of external investment in hydrogen and fuel cell projects, with over 50 organisations participating in working groups and projects.

Paul Marchment (pictured), senior business manager at Arval UK, said: “Thanks to the work we’ve done with the Hydrogen Hub, we have considerable know-how in running hydrogen cars. It is our aim and passion to share this knowledge through these roadshows.

“In all the locations we are visiting, we want to reach audiences that can help to drive positive change – for example, businesses, the public and local politicians.

“We want to show them hydrogen production vehicles that are being used today and explain how the technology works. Once people know more about the advantages of hydrogen, it is our belief that they will be much more likely to adopt and promote it.”

Clare Jackson, manager of the Hydrogen Hub, said: “We are very excited to offer the opportunity to businesses, local authorities and the public to learn about hydrogen vehicles and test the technology. These events will raise awareness and demonstrate the benefits of the technology, such as having the ability for zero-carbon tailpipe emissions while not requiring the consumer to change their behaviour in any way.

“We need to grow the market and ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of this development as it can play a very important role in decarbonisation of our economy.”