Auto Finance Fleet Finance News

ACFO joins Fleet and Mobility Management Federation Europe

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ACFO, the UK fleet decision-makers’ organisation, has formally joined the Fleet and Mobility Management Federation Europe (FMFE).

FMFE was launched last year as the European Fleet and Mobility Association (EUFMA).

The UK fleet association joins bodies from Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.

If a member of a national association operates an international fleet, they can draw on the know-how of FMFE’s national association members to benefit directly from its European network.

The body will create a database of fleet information, develop a best practice programme, agree benchmarks and produce joint international studies.

FMFE will also provide commentary on political, economic, legal and fiscal issues at a European level.

ACFO’s decision to join FMFE follows a fact-finding mission late last year on potentially joining the group.

The UK fleet managers’ association is also a founding member of the Global Fleet Consortium Network alongside the United States of America-based Automotive Fleet and Leasing Association, the Australasian Fleet Management Association, the Mexican Vehicle Leasing Association, and the China Road Transport Association.

ACFO chairman John Pryor said: “UK-based fleet decision-makers with international vehicle responsibilities and fleet chiefs in other countries with some vehicles operating in the UK may need ‘local knowledge’, so it is important that ACFO can provide help and advice and also has partnerships with other representative fleet organisations that may be able to assist and provide information.

“Over the years ACFO has been contacted by fleet organisations from around the world – as well as individual fleet operators – seeking help and advice. We have also hosted visits by fleet decision-makers from overseas and made reciprocal visits.

“Many of the issues confronting fleet decision-makers in the UK will be the same as those being tackled in many other countries, so it makes logical sense to pool our collective knowledge, experiences and advice and communicate best fleet management practice across Europe and worldwide.”

FMFE Axel Schaefer, managing director of the German Federal Fleet Management Association, will act as the organisation’s spokesman.

The FMFE board will be made up of a representative from each national association and will meet twice a year. ACFO will elect a representative to serve on the FMFE board following its 2019 AGM on June 12.

John Pryor, who is also group fleet and travel manager of Arcadia, will provide an overview of key developments in the UK fleet and mobility market at the International Asset Finance Network conference on June 13 in London.

For tickets, visit the event website or complete the form below.

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