Auto Finance Fleet Finance News

Fleet Evolution launches stand-alone fleet management service

leech andrew

Fleet Evolution, the UK-based car benefits specialist, has launched a stand-alone fleet management service to meet increasing demand from customers.

The company already provides a range of fleet management services for its salary sacrifice and car benefits clients, but this is the first time it has moved to provide a separate fleet management service for companies that are not salary sacrifice customers.

Fleet management in the UK had become largely commoditised around price, according to managing director Andrew Leech, but he said Fleet Evolution would focus on tailored services to build value.

He said: “We have seen the fleet management scene in this country move away from providing top quality, personalised service to one that is providing a service purely based on price – and that is not necessarily the best thing for the customer.

“We are looking to provide a service that fleet customers actually want, that fully meets their fleet needs, rather than one that just puts a tick in the box.”

Leech said that he had been approached by a number of salary sacrifice customers that wanted Fleet Evolution to manage their company car fleet as well as the vehicles they provided under salary sacrifice.

He added: “Through the services we already provide to salary sacrifice customers, we have developed a track record of delivering up to a 30% reduction in fleet running costs whilst improving the service for the customer, employees, drivers and suppliers. We are now extending that approach to a wider audience.”

Fleet Evolution was founded in 2010 and offers salary sacrifice car schemes, employee car ownership, affinity schemes and fleet management.

It was awarded ‘Go Ultra Low Company’ status in November 2017, in recognition of its work to support take-up of low and zero-emission vehicles.