
NEXT GEN KEYNOTE: Marcella Merli, Head of CA Auto Bank, Italy to talk about diversity and inclusion at AFC Conference


Marcella Merli, one of the world’s leading auto finance thought leaders will be the keynote speaker, presenting to the Leasing Foundation’s next gen community at the Asset Finance Connect (AFC) conference in London.

Merli worked alongside Giacomo Carelli at FCA Bank, in the business’ fleet and mobility business Leasys and then subsequently at Drivalia, part of CA Auto Bank.

As the nature and identity of the business evolved, she has worked hard to carry her team along with her. “Happy customers and happy employees lead to success.” she told AFC.

At an AFC digital webcast last November which focused on the company changes, Merli observed that “people are the real assets of the company”. At that time of great change, she talked about the importance of sharing the strategy of the company with her existing team, and especially when recruiting new talent; she talked about the need to invest in people who do not want to participate in the next leg of the journey as well as those who do; and she talked about the importance of having a diverse workforce to deliver on the company vision. “Women are under-represented in mobility, and they can and should add value to the mobility and auto finance industries” she said.

At the AFC conference this November, Merli will develop the people themes which were touched on in the November 2022 webcast, and she will also participate in small group meetings with next generation delegates to answer their questions and hear their thoughts.

Places in the next generation workshops are strictly limited, but made available to attendees at an at cost rate of £120 plus VAT. Next gen delegates are encouraged and supported as they start to network beyond their immediate work colleagues, and are encouraged to attend the whole conference and not just the workshop.

To find out more about the Leasing Foundation Next Generation Network, go to the Leasing Foundation website.

To book your young talent into the next gen event at the discounted price of £120 plus VAT per ticket, please contact Louise Clavey at

Who qualifies for a next gen delegate?

Next gen-delegates are talented people who are at an early stage in developing their industry network (a network which extends beyond their immediate colleagues); people who are making decisions about their career path; those with specific career concerns (eg D&I); those who are driven by purpose; talented people who will benefit; and/or those seeking to share their experience for the benefit of others in the asset finance community. Any questions, please email Lisa Laverick


Nov 2023 UK Conf 550


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