Auto Finance News

Will the UK be ready for the 2030 ban on the manufacture of ICE vehicles?

betteley david 2023

Analysis from David Betteley, Asset Finance Connect head of content.

We have just published the summary and analysis of the Asset Finance Connect conference session discussing and assessing the readiness of the UK for the ban on the manufacture of ICE vehicles in 2030, which took place at our June conference. You can read the conference review here

With the ban on ICE vehicle manufacturing just seven years away, representatives from the EV (electric vehicle) and charging industries gathered at the Asset Finance Connect Summer 2023 Conference to discuss what the industry must do to be ready for the 2030 deadline.

The key points raised in the conference panel discussion focused on:

  • the need for education to dispel negative myths and media coverage surrounding electric vehicles (EVs) focusing on cost, range, charging and electricity tariffs;
  • the importance of the total cost of ownership for EVs when looking at price parity between EVs and their ICE counterpart;
  • the need for more funding and investment models to enable public charging infrastructure at scale to cope with the increasing EV demand; and
  • the window of opportunity for the UK to invest in and grow its battery manufacturing pipeline.

Following on from the conference discussion, we asked AFC’s head of content David Betteley to provide an analysis on the conference session, and his thoughts on the session along with the summary of proceedings in full can be found here


 AFC Unconf Review 2030 ban on ICE



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