
Why successful customer engagement needs to go beyond words


Currently the lion’s share of communications from auto financiers, in concert with their brand partners and franchised retailer networks, is delivered by conventional methods.

Very often this communication is one way and doesn’t promote interaction ‘in the moment’. For example, traditional posted mail and outbound telephone calls from retailers or contact centres are very much alive and kicking.

Whilst these efforts are laudable, the old conventional methods are fast running out of road and they are not in sync with the habits of the 21st century consumer.

Successful customer engagement has always needed a captivating speaker to promote an idea, but to really sell an idea, you need tools that go beyond static words and images to stir the emotions.

The use of motion, audio and graphics bundled with a panel of simple customer controls not only enhances the customer experience but serves to fast-track acceptance of the messages shared. This methodology allows companies to capitalise on building relationships more quickly by providing an enhanced customer experience, one that cements the emotional connection.

We live in a digital age, where consumers want more from technology than a passive transfer of knowledge.

Everyone from baby boomers to millenials and post-millenials are now addicted to being connected 24/7 through technology.

Last year’s UK edition of the Global Mobile Consumer Survey by Deloitte, entitled “A day in the life of a smartphone”, clearly supports this.

People are avid users of smartphones, tablets and their associated apps, interacting on a daily basis with platforms such as Google, Siri, social media, news, banking, shopping, transport; the list goes on and on…

According to Statista, during 2016 3.48 billion people connected to the internet, while consumers spent 85% of the time on their smartphones using apps. Customers don’t just crave information, they crave interaction.

So, if auto financiers and OEM’s want to meaningfully engage with customers to accelerate sales, drive retention and increase satisfaction, deployment of a well-designed, interactive digital offering, accessible via smartphone and tablet, is not something for the future, but the here and now.

Digital customer interaction accelerates sales, increases retention and bolsters satisfaction in what is becoming an ever more competitive landscape.

Autofutura believes that multimedia, bespoke customer interaction is the channel in which to effectively engage with your customers on their terms.

Customer demands focus on seven key areas:

  • They want convenience 
  • They want simplicity
  • They want transparency
  • They want choice
  • They want to connect and interact on their terms
  • hey want their thinking to be validated
  • They want to make their own buying decisions

If we give customers what they want by way of a fully-interactive, digital platform, I am confident that the customer will benefit and as a result, the OEM, financier and retailer will benefit just as much.

Paul Bennett is Autofutura’s director of international business development.