Equipment Finance News

UK Asset Lenders’ Champion to leave the Finance & Leasing Association

rose julian

After some six years as Head of Asset Finance at the UK Finance & Leasing Association (FLA), Julian Rose will be leaving in March to set up his own consultancy business.

A spokesman at the FLA said: “We will be recruiting a successor as soon as possible. Julian will help with the handover and we look forward to continuing to keep in touch with him in his new role.”

Rose has been Head of Asset Finance at the FLA since May 2008. An accountant by training, he joined the FLA from the Financial Reporting Council. He has also previously worked for the Competition Commission and in consultancy with both KPMG and PwC.

Rose has, for the last six years, been a staunch supporter of asset lending and has played his part in lobbying long and hard for asset lenders to receive a higher profile and relevance amongst government decision makers. He has also been a constructive critic of the way the international accounting standards boards have approached the question of how leasing is to be capitalised.

Rose’s preferred approach has always been to adopt a firm, but courteous and logical, approach towards persuading those with an uncertain appreciation of the asset lending industry see the error of their ways.

His memorable clarion call to mend “Rusting Britain”, as UK companies emerged from recession, hit a note with industry and made a positive impact on companies’ awareness of the need to replace old equipment – preferably by leasing.

Rose has continually insisted that asset lenders are too modest about how asset finance supports businesses, the economy, and the UK government’s policy objectives.

He has always believed that faced with significant proposed new regulatory accounting burdens, at a time of continued uncertainty in the markets, it is more crucial than ever that regulators and governments have a clear understanding of the importance of asset finance, and how lenders’ contribution to the economic recovery could be even greater.

Rose’s single-minded yet gentlemanly approach to the future welfare of asset finance sector coupled with his compendious knowledge of the industry will be a sore miss to the FLA.

It should, however, ensure his sound onward-going career as an industry consultant.