Equipment Finance News

Radical changes affecting global auto finance lenders and fleet lessors prove massive draw to IAFN event in May

combe jonny bmw

A record attendance is forecast for International Auto Finance Network’s (IAFN) conference on May 12 when industry innovators bring delegates face to face with those disrupting factors creating massive change to the industry.

May’s IAFN conference, The Changing Landscape of the Auto Finance and Fleet Leasing Industry looks like being the biggest yet with more delegates taking advantage of the early bird registration than ever before.

In fact this IAFN conference has relocated to Tower Bridge Hilton to accommodate ever-growing numbers of delegates since the conference filled its inaugural event to capacity in January 2014 at the Don’s stadium in Milton Keynes.

A great line up!
Colin Tourick, co-founder of IAFN told Asset Finance International: “We have a great line-up of speakers including Angela Montacute, chief digital officer, from Arval in Paris who will talk about some of the digital innovations they are introducing, including telematics and use of big data.

“Jonny Combe from BMW Financial Services (pictured above) will be also focussing on innovation – identifying some of the big challenges faced by auto manufacturers as they digitalise, and outlining his innovative solutions.

“Sampo Hietanen  will be joining Sofico and a major fleet finance provider to discuss alternative models for total mobility. Sampo has just established the world’s first Mobility as a Service offering from Finland.

“And Bryan Everly, chief technology officer from NextGear Capital in the United States will be examining the ways in which technology is transforming their wholesale funding business”

IAFN will also be running for the first time, a series of eight-minute presentations providing great ideas for auto finance:

•   Craig Mailey, Director Strategic Planning, Manheim – using technology to transform re-marketing

•   James Goddard, CEO, JJ Consultancy – using interactive video to transform customer touchpoints

•   Erki Kert, CEO, Big Data Credit Scoring – using big data to transform credit risk and pricing

•   Tom Stinton, Head of Product, Intelligent Environments – the latest research on auto finance organisations’ investment intentions

•   Max Vollenbroich, CEO of Carspring – using technology to transform used car sales

•   Josh Darling, Co-founder, Orto – using technology to enable luxury car sharing (have a look at if you haven’t yet seen this!).

And in addition delegates will get copies of the latest auto finance research from IAFN and additional research conducted by Intelligent Environments.

IAFN industry awards
Following the conference the IAFN Awards ceremony will be held to celebrate excellence and innovation within the automotive leasing and lending industries. Organisations and individuals may be nominated for achievements in operations management, leadership, customer service, competitive performance, or innovation.

The International Auto Finance Network Conference is on May 12, at Tower Bridge Hilton in London. Delegates wishing to attend the conference and awards ceremony should take advantage of the early bird offer which expires on Friday March 25.

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