Novuna Business Finance will be joining teams from across the UK asset finance sector to raise funds for their chosen charities at the 2024 AFPA Trust Big Quiz.
“We are delighted to be joining the AFPA Trust in raising money for charity at this year’s Big Quiz. Our team, Novuna Quizness Finance, are excited to be put to the test with some friendly competition,” commented Geoff Maleham, Managing Director at Novuna Business Finance.
“We are proud to be supporting The British Heart Foundation, a charity that is especially important to the employees at Novuna Business Finance and one we have been raising money for over the past few years in memory of our friend and colleague Gavin Wraith-Carter.”
The British Heart Foundation funds around £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them. It is their vision for the world to be free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. They raise money to research cures and treatments, so they can give people more time with the ones they love.
Don’t miss out on the chance to win £10,000 for your charity at the AFPA Trust Big Quiz on May 23rd at the prestigious Royal Overseas League Club in Mayfair, London. Register your quiz team today!
For more information, contact Robert Taylor, Chair of the AFPA Trust ( or Aysha Ellis-Aziz, Deputy Chairwoman ( to book your tickets and apply for team entry.