
New report reveals how finance partnerships can deliver sales growth for manufacturers


Finance offers developed with expert partners will be a vital tool for manufacturers to release pent-up demand among customers, a new report released today reveals.

The whitepaper, from leading technology company Tietoevry, argues that manufacturers need to broaden their horizons when it comes to their product offerings so that customers find it easier to source equipment.

A client may need a new piece of equipment, but cashflow concerns could prevent them from making the acquisition when it is required.

Providing finance can remove barriers to a purchasing decision and empower customers to spend more, so they obtain the best equipment for their needs, but one of the biggest hurdles facing equipment providers is gaining the expertise to start the process of building a finance offering.

Instead of spending months, or years, preparing to launch an in-house finance operation, manufacturers can work with expert partners to accelerate their transformation so they can engage with customers more quickly, says Tietoevry.

The whitepaper provides a concise explanation of:

  • How financial innovation can power manufacturer growth.
  • The path to implementation.
  • The business impact of finance offers.
  • The future development of finance provision.

To download your complimentary copy of the report, complete the form below.

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