Asset Finance Brokers News

Managing the broker-funder relationship


We have just published the summary and analysis of the Asset Finance Connect conference session discussing the asset finance broker-funder relationship, which took place at our December conference. You can read the conference review here.

Analysis from Stephen Bassett, head of the Asset Finance Connect UK asset finance community.

The panel at the 2022 AFC Winter Conference included a mix of brokers and funders who came together to discuss some of the challenges facing the broker-funder relationship.

Continual changes in the financial services landscape are causing issues for both brokers and funders; these include changing customer needs, expectations and demographics; regulation and compliance; and emerging technologies.

The key points raised in the conference panel discussion included:

  • Digitalization can complement but not replace the traditional broker methods
  • Needs to be consistency with regulatory issues and compliance oversight
  • Collaboration is essential in order to standardize processes, but not at the cost of diminishing competition

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Following on from the conference discussion, we asked AFC’s asset finance community leader Stephen Bassett to provide an analysis on the conference session, and his thoughts on the session along with the summary of proceedings in full can be found here

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To further discuss the challenges facing the broker-funder relationship, join our participative asset finance unconference on May 19th. Email for your invitation to the online event.