Equipment Finance News

Loan/Loss provision drop give European lessors a boost in Q3 2015


Total new leasing volumes reported by the sample of firms in the latest Leaseurope Index, for Q3 2105, increased by 9.2% in comparison to the same quarter a year ago, reaching over €23 billion.

The portfolio of outstanding contracts grew by 1.3%, while risk-weighted assets marginally declined for the first time this year (-0.3%).

Profit & profitability

Total pre-tax profit of all the participating companies continued the high growth seen so far in 2015, increasing by 30.9% for Q3 2015 in comparison to Q3 2014 (see table 1).

Aggregate Data, Q1 2014 – Q3 2015

2015 Q3 2015 Q2
2015 Q1
Aggregated data provided by
companies (millions of euro)
Sum of values
(€ m)
% change
vs Q3 2014
Sum of values
(€ m)
% change
vs Q2 2014
Sum of values
(€ m)
% change
vs Q2 2014
1. Operating income 2,618  8.4  2,626  9.1 2,505  9.9 
2. Operating expenses 1,777  6.8  1,137  15.7  1,128 4.7 
3. Loan loss provision 246  -36.2  286  -30.3  320  -22.2 
4. Pre-Tax Profit 1,208  30.9  1,209  53.4  1,062  33.8 
5. RWA at end of period 176,136  -0.3  181,150  3.4  175,642  0.4 
6. Portfolio at end of period 249,547  1.3  250,166  1.7  247,109  1.6 
7. New business volumes 23,343 9.2  24,559  11.0  20,668  8.5 
2014 Q4 2014 Q3 2014 Q2 2014 Q1
Aggregated data provided by companies (millions of euro) Sum of values
(€ m)
% change
vs Q4 2013
Sum of values
(€ m) 
% change
vs Q3 2013  
Sum of values
(€ m)
% change
vs Q2 2013
Sum of values
(€ m)
% change
vs Q1 2013
1. Operating income  2,348 6.5   2,414 10.2   2,406 5.3   2,280 4.1 
2. Operating expenses 1,207  5.2  1,102  3.5  983  -10.1   1,077 1.0 
3. Loan loss provision 496  -68.7  385  -8.2  411  -12.5  411  -3.5 
4. Pre-Tax Profit 619  na*  923  30.8  788  10.2  794  13.4 
5. RWA at end of period 170,879  -5.6  176,590  -2.9  175,193  -4.4  174,901  -8.1 
6. Portfolio at end of period 242,950  1.4  246,340  3.1  245,917  1.5  243,305  -0.9 
7. New business volumes 22,658  5.6  21,373  15.1  22,123  11.1  19,048  7.0 

Historical figures have been revised since the results were last published due to re-statements by some reporting companies.

This large increase is due to a number of firms seeing a return to profit, largely due to stabilising loan loss provisions. The weighted average profitability ratio increased as a result from 38.4% in Q3 2014 to 46.1% in Q3 2015, a similarly high level compared to the first half of 2015. Within these aggregate results there lies a large degree of variation in performance by company.

Income, expenses & cost/income

Compared to the same period a year ago, operating income increased (8.4%), while operating expenses increased by a smaller amount (6.8%). This resulted in a further improvement of the average cost/income ratio in Q3 2015 to 44.9%, which is a historically low figure.

Loan loss provision & cost of risk

Loan loss provisions decreased substantially in Q3 2015 compared to the same period of the previous year (-36.2%), continuing on the strong downward trend seen in previous quarters. This development led to the average annualised cost of risk declining in Q3 2015 to the lowest level yet seen in the Index of 0.4%.

RoA and RoE indicators

RoA and RoE 1 both increased in Q3 2015 compared to Q3 2014, reaching 1.9% and 227, respectively. Compared to Q2 2015, these figures are stable. The gains made in RoE this year are especially strong considering that the overall index in 2014 was 147 (table 3)

  2015 2014
Weighted Average Ratios Avg Q3
Avg Q2
Avg Q1
Avg 2014
full yr 
Avg Q4
Avg Q3
Avg Q2
Avg Q1
Profitability (%) – average of all
companies’ pre-tax profit as a % of
total operating income
46.1  46.1  42.2  32.6  23.6  38.4  38.2   34.7
Cost/Income (%) – average of all
companies’ operating expenses
as a % of operating income
44.9  43.4  45.4   47.4 51.5  45.1  44.6  47.2 
Cost of Risk (%)* – average of all
companies’ loan loss provision
(annualised) as a percentage of
average portfolio over the period
0.39  0.46  0.52  0.7  0.82  0.63  0.67  0.68 
Return on Assets (%)* – average of
all companies’ net profit before tax
(annualised) as a percentage of
average portfolio over the period
1.9  1.9  1.7  1.3  1.0  1.5  1.5  1.3 
Return on Equity (2010=100)* –
index of all companies’ net profit
before tax (annualised) as a
percentage of 8% of total risk
weighted assets over the period
227  231  208  147  122  181  175  153 

1 In order to ensure a feasible and comparable data collection across our sample, 8% of total risk weighted assets has been used as a proxy for equity. Therefore, the results reported here for RoE may not be directly comparable to the way leasing firms measure RoE internally or to some other measures of RoE.

* denotes that the quarterly numerator (either loan loss provision or net profit) has been annualised in order to calculate the relevant ratio for each individual quarter.

Norbert van den Eijnden, CEO of Alphabet, commented: “It is clear from the Q3 2015 results our industry is enjoying a very favourable performance this year. Financial key performance indicators are continuing to improve, building on the strong results seen in the first half of the year.

“With robust new business growth and increasing portfolios, the leasing industry positions itself as an important financer of the real economy, despite an increasingly complex and burdensome regulatory environment. Although European investment has shown slower growth than domestic demand, the leasing business continues to outperform the market. For 2016 I expect any improvements in business investment to further boost the industry.”