
Haydock appoints new Broker Manager

James CareyBroker Manager for the Midlands area, Haydock Finance

Haydock Finance have confirmed the appointment of James Carey as Broker Manager for the Midlands area.

Carey had previously spent two years as a Business Development Manager at Shawbrook Bank.

Carey fully understands broker needs and thinking from his time at two of Haydock’s intermediary partners – Cornwood Finance and MAF Finance Group.

James Carey commented, “The vision, drive and reputation the Haydock team has for delivering an outstanding broker experience is very clear and is something I very much want to be a part of. Haydock has a fantastic customer-focused culture, and I am looking forward to working closely with my new partner network.”

Andrea O’Brien, Head of Broker Sales, added, “This is another big appointment for Haydock and James needs no introduction to the industry. His knowledge and expertise are ideally matched for helping us to achieve our growth plans and I am looking forward to seeing the impact he will have on strengthening our broker relationships.”