
Global consultancy Accenture launches artificial intelligence and analytics service to automate business processes

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Global consultancy Accenture has launched a new service called SynOps to offer business process automation services through artificial intelligence and analytics.

SynOps combines business analysis by its experts with the introduction of new technology to reduce the amount of time employees spend on repetitive, low value tasks.

Accenture uses insight from more than 1,000 projects for clients in a wide range of industries to identify key performance benchmarks and how business processes can be changed.

Debbie Polishook, group chief executive of Accenture Operations, said: “SynOps will play an integral role in helping our clients in their journey to intelligent operations. It ultimately showcases the art of the possible with how clients can now embrace innovation to drive new value.”

Companies that have already used the service include a global IT business, which deployed SynOps for Finance.

Through process transformation, automation and analytics, productivity grew 50% and more than $140 million in savings were achieved.

In another case, a company introduced advanced analytics to help identify business leads and process them. Automation meant the number of leads processed went from 25,000 to 750,000 in a year, generating an 11-fold increase in revenue in the first four months of the project.