Leasing Professionals First nomination submitted for Asset Finance Connect Social Award Published: 27th February 2023 Share Awards nominations are starting to roll in for the 2023 Asset Finance Connect’s Summer Awards. Celebrating innovation and industry best practice in auto and equipment finance, the Awards will be held on 12th July 2023 at the prestigious Hurlingham Club in London, book your table now. This year’s awards will focus on the three Ps – People, Planet and Profit – with our best-ever set of awards that industry players will want to compete for. To see a full list of the award categories and individual awards, visit Asset Finance Connect’s Summer Awards website, where organisations can add their nominations for award winners and book their tables for this year’s must-attend event. AFC Social Award 2023 One of this year’s People awards is the AFC Social Award highlighting an individual, team or organisation which has made a substantial contribution to some aspect of managing the social impact of an organisation or the industry on its publics. An early, and most worthy, nominee for the AFC Social Award 2023 is Shire Leasing’s Chief Financial Officer, Helen Lumb. Helen has been nominated for this award with the express support of Asset Finance Connect for her “drive and passion for developing other people as well as promoting equality and inclusion in the workplace.” As well as her day-to-day role, Helen has been involved in numerous new social initiatives at Shire Leasing, including the introduction of Motivational Maps in 2015 – a tool aimed at understanding motivation in individuals, which looks at motivational factors related to relationships, achievement and growth and helps individuals to understand themselves as well as the motivations of others; the Wellbeing initiative which she proposed and championed in 2017, encompassing four streams – physical wellbeing, mental and psychological wellbeing, professional wellbeing and social wellbeing; starting Shire’s Sustainability initiative last year, chairing, championing and driving the People, Planet, Profit programme throughout Shire’s business model and objectives; and Shire’s new volunteering scheme, promoting that ‘giving back’ in the form of volunteering, is a great way to develop oneself, support Shire’s community and philanthropy and recognise the significant benefits from supporting and volunteering in charities and social enterprises. “Helen holds a strong belief that connection to other people and our community is fundamental to protecting mental health and inclusion in the workplace, making everyone feel valued irrespective of background, is essential to achieving this.” In 2017 Helen became involved in the Leasing Foundation D&I group, championing mental health and invisible conditions. In July 2020, during the Covid pandemic, Helen was invited by the FLA to do a virtual roundtable discussion group on supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing, Homeworking and beyond, with Helen taking a positive view on this topic and encouraging others to recognise that we all experience mental health, good and bad and steps we can take to look after ourselves and others, through connection with others and building resilience. During 2022, Helen ran a series of virtual online events on behalf of the Leasing Foundation on the themes of Kindness, Mindfulness, Gratitude and Connection, as well as a weeklong series of articles on autism, during Autism Awareness Week on Linked In. Following these events, Helen is arranging a second Time to Talk event in London on behalf of the Leasing Foundation in March, aimed at promoting good mental health and wellbeing in ourselves and others. Helen has recently been invited to join the Board of both the Leasing Foundation and the Finance and Leasing Association Shire Leasing’s CEO, Mark Picken, describes Helen as Shire Leasing’s social conscience, “a passionate and determined individual whose dedication to this cause has been recognised already by the FLA as a newly appointed director and the Leasing Foundation, again as a director. This recognition is not just for championing wellbeing but diversity, inclusion, social conscience and many other similar subjects. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. More likely, as they will discover, she runs the run!” Got a colleague who does great work for the industry? Nominate them today! Visit Asset Finance Connect’s Summer Awards website HERE to place your nominations for award winners and to book your table. Lisa Laverick Editor - Asset Finance Connect Sign up to our newsletter Featured Stories Thought LeadersImportance of being charitable for personal well-being and corporate success Thought LeadersWhat could 2025 have in store for the UK’s asset finance market? PeopleKing’s New Year honours for British Business Bank