
Ebbon Automotive and QV Systems provide fully integrated e-procurement solution


Bedford-based B2B Fintech, QV Systems, has integrated Ebbon Automotive’s e-procurement platform, Leaselink, into its Accelerate SaaS platform.

The integration allows customers to process and manage all new vehicle orders electronically from quote through to delivery.

Operating primarily in the automotive and asset finance arenas, QV Systems counts MotoNovo Finance and Synergy Car Leasing amongst its corporate client base.

Ebbon Automotive’s e-procurement platform, Leaselink is currently utilised by around 40 leasing companies, 20-plus OEMs and an increasing number of leasing brokers as their system of choice to electronically handle and process all new vehicle orders and deliveries.

The first client to benefit from the Leaselink integration with Accelerate is sustainable energy, charging and leasing business, GRIDSERVE. GRIDSERVE is using the application to electronically source and order new electric cars on behalf of customers through its EV leasing arm.

QV Systems founder and CEO, Daniel Layne (pictured), said that integrating Leaselink with Accelerate made ‘sound business sense’.

“We want to be able to provide our customers with a seamless, end-to-end new car sourcing and ordering process and, as Leaselink is the country’s leading e-procurement platform, it made perfect sense to integrate this into Accelerate,” noted Layne.

“Our aim is always to remove the need for our customers to rekey information or to use multiple systems, and Leaselink meets that need. And the timing is ideal with the wider market use of Leaselink amongst brokers as well as funders as we’ve seen in recent months.”

Layne said that the integration process has been very easy and straightforward to implement. “I did some of the work on the integration myself and found the Ebbon Automotive team very helpful and responsive throughout the process,” he added.

Rob Buckland, Chief Leasing Officer at GRIDSERVE, commented: “By using Leaselink through Accelerate, we are able to provide our end user customers with greater transparency into the timing of their new car order as well as improving efficiency.”

Claire Hughes, Ebbon Automotive’s Head of Commercial Partnerships, commented: “QV has successfully implemented a fully integrated process with Leaselink to maximise the benefits the system delivers in new car ordering for its clients. Now that we have completed the work for one customer, it will be very simple to bring other QV customers onboard.

“Leaselink provides greater visibility of the dealer’s order bank and, therefore, increased awareness of where the vehicle is in the supply pipeline and when it is likely to be delivered, allowing users to provide accurate information to their end customers.

“Pricing is also more accurate and more visible once the dealers have confirmed the price, and all processes are captured electronically, which dramatically reduces the chance of error and improves efficiency,” she said.

“Delivery is also paperless as the overwhelming majority of supplying dealers using Leaselink also utilise our market-leading collection and delivery solution, moDel, which increases transparency and removes all paper out of the system,” she added.