Equipment Finance News

DLL closes third US securitisation transaction of 2024 

raison Gregory 400
Grégory RaisonCFO and Member of the DLL Executive Board

Global vendor finance company, DLL, has announced the closing of its third US asset backed securitisation (ABS) of 2024, “DLLMT 2024-1,” issuing notes totalling US$750 million.

Backed by loans and leases of construction, transportation and industrial assets, this transaction brings DLL’s 2024 ABS issuance total to US$2.15 billion.

The transaction is rated F1+/P-1 or AAA/Aaa by Fitch and Moody’s, respectively.

“We are thrilled to complete our third ABS transaction of 2024, despite a volatile market,” said Chris Morris, US Treasurer for DLL. 

Grégory Raison, CFO and Member of the DLL Executive Board added, “DLL US securitization transactions are a key element of our growth strategy. I continue to be pleased with the investors’ interest and confidence in our securitization platforms which propels our ability to diversify our USD funding base.”

DLL’s second US securitisation transaction – DLLAD 2024-1 – of 2024, issuing notes totalling US$650 million was completed in May.