Asset Finance News

Data Mail Solutions invests in new Canon Inkjet Colorstream, funded by Close Brothers Asset Finance


Close Brothers Asset Finance’s Print team has provided funding for long-term customer, Data Mail Solutions (DMS), to purchase a new state-of-the-art Canon Inkjet Colorstream as the firm looks to significantly boost its sales.

Based in Crawley, DMS is a print and direct mail agency, producing and delivering direct marketing campaigns, now employing around 40 people. Following significant growth over the past two years, they recently relocated to a significantly larger space to accommodate their expanding operations.

Close Brothers Asset Finance has partnered with DMS for over 15 years, transacting multiple deals in that time. Driven by a strong business plan and clear decision-making, they have grown their annual turnover to around £9m.

Nick Aust (pictured), Sales Director at Close Brothers Asset Finance Finance’s Print division, said: “Data Mail Solutions are a real success story and it’s been a privilege to work so closely alongside them for so long and to witness first-hand their incredible growth over the past few years.

“This latest deal for the Canon Inkjet Colorstream will, we are confident, keep DMS firmly on their growth trajectory and we look forward to continuing to be part of their journey.”

Simon Smode, CEO at Data Mail Solutions, added: “The new Canon, along with our other investments, is opening up new markets and has allowed us to become more efficient with print and variable data being applied in one pass. Many of our customers describe us as a very safe pair of hands, which is a very nice compliment.

“I’m really pleased to again have Close Brothers Asset Finance as our funder because with their personal approach and long history in print and packaging, we know we’re working with the right supplier. They made every effort to make things as straightforward and simple as possible, structuring the deal to suit us.”