
CHG-MERIDIAN issues new ESG-linked bonded loan


CHG-MERIDIAN successfully issued an ESG-linked bonded loan with a volume of €100 million on August 14th.

The loan consists of various tranches with maturities of four to seven years and was placed with 17 investors during a marketing phase of just four-and-a-half weeks.

Finpair GmbH, a subsidiary of NordLB, acted as the lead arranger for the first time.

“The successful placement of this bonded loan demonstrates the confidence that the market has in our creditworthiness and in our sustainable business model,” said Ulrich Bergmann, CFO of the CHG-MERIDIAN Group.

“This new loan sends a further clear signal of how committed we are to our long-term strategy of financing our growth entirely through sustainable funding solutions.”

Since 2021, CHG-MERIDIAN has raised €800 million from sustainable funding instruments. These ESG-linked loans and other types of sustainable funding are not only helping CHG-MERIDIAN to support its own growth but also driving the transition to a greener economy.

“This form of growth-related funding makes perfect sense for us because our sustainable and circular business model embodies precisely the kind of values that are needed for a future-proof economy,” Bergmann added.

CHG-MERIDIAN has just recently been awarded the highly regarded gold rating from EcoVadis. This rating reflects the successful implementation of ESG criteria across the four themes of environment, labour & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

Bergmann noted that, “Because our ESG-linked funding is directly tied to our EcoVadis rating, the gold award sends out an important signal to our customers, partners, and investors alike that we are setting the highest standards.”