Equipment Finance News

Boosting sustainable investment in SMEs and mid-caps in Spain


SGEF Iberia has signed a credit line with the European Investment Bank (EIB), to boost sustainable investment in SMEs and mid-caps in Spain.

Part of the €50 million funds will be used by SGEF Iberia to finance climate action and environmental sustainability projects in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable transport, circular economy, waste management & recycling.

A significant part of the investments, estimated at 60%, will be used to boost the economic development of Spain’s cohesion regions.

“With the opening of this line, we are taking a new step in supporting the real economy, once again putting clients at the center of our decisions by supporting them with sustainable financing, which is fully aligned with our vision and global strategy,” said SGEF Iberia CEO Jarmila Spurova.

“Access to these funds for SMEs reinforces our commitment to foster positive development for our clients, and to support them by facilitating sustainable growth”.

This first operation between the EIB and SGEF Iberia builds on the extensive and successful collaboration between the EU Bank and Societe Generale Equipment Finance.