Auto Finance Fleet Finance News

Book Review from Bynx: Getting Fleet, Leasing and Mobility Back to Business

bynx book review

Bynx has published an e-book which provides expert views and strategies aimed at preparing fleet, vehicle leasing and mobility businesses for the post-COVID-19 era.

It is the first attempt to navigate the fleet finance industry on the uncertain journey that lies ahead as the world begins to ease pandemic lockdown.

The e-book also includes details about technology and fleet innovations that can support the transition for practitioners as the demands and requirements of their businesses will undoubtedly change in the new world.

The contents include many crucial principles such as:

bynx front coverprotecting cashflow (the lifeblood of every organisation);

driving revenues, reviewing risk management (and why it matters more than ever);

re-examining mobility options and fleet right-sizing;

re-evaluating fleet policy, systems and innovation;

operational fleet management, outsourcing; and

policy compliance and management reporting.

Gary Jefferies, Bynx sales and marketing director is the lead editor, Keith Allen BSc FCA, consultant – is the consultant contributor and Alison Pittaway, Written Content Plus – author and editor.

To obtain a copy please click here