Auto Finance News

Black Horse examine opportunities and challenges for retail auto finance


The global automotive industry will face significant disruption in the coming years as economic, political and technological change alters the business landscape.

With every month, a new challenge emerges that raises questions about the future of the market, ranging from manufacturer consolidation to new legislation and changing consumer car-buying habits.

This is all against the backdrop of the biggest political change the UK has faced for generations, as Brexit negotiations get underway ready for a split with the EU by early 2019.

For the auto finance industry, the difficulty lies in adapting to change in the short-term while maintaining a strategic eye on the longer-term trends that will define how the market eventually develops.

At the 7th International Auto Finance Network Conference, Richard Jones, Black Horse managing director, will provide an overview of what the future holds during a session titled The Outlook for Motor Finance.

This will consider some of the key issues that the industry needs to consider to ensure executives think clearly about how the strategic aims of their businesses are affected by the current and future changes they face.

Key questions facing suppliers include how their business models will be affected by changing consumer purchasing habits, as increased use of the internet in the car buying process reduces the number of dealership visits.

This is also having an impact on demand for finance, as customers expect faster credit decisions, while also reviewing a wider range of potential funding sources.

The International Auto Finance Network Conference takes place at London’s Hilton Tower Bridge Hotel on May 23, 2017.

You can book your tickets using the form below – or click on the agenda for details of the full programme

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