Equipment Finance News

Asset finance market grows in UK

kilkelly geraldine

Figures released by the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) show that asset finance new business (primarily leasing and hire purchase) grew by 5% in April, compared with the same month last year.

The plant and machinery finance sector reported new business up in April by 9%, while new finance for business cars grew by 8% over the same period.

Geraldine Kilkelly, head of research and chief economist at the FLA, said: “Asset finance new business increased by 8% in the first four months of 2017, in line with our expectations of single-digit growth for the year overall.

“The plant and machinery finance sector returned another strong performance in April, with new finance for agricultural equipment and construction equipment up by 17% and 8% respectively.”

Cars bought on finance by consumers through dealerships

New business April 2017

% change on

prev yr

3 mths to

April 17

% change on

prev yr

12 mths to

April 17

% change on

prev yr

New cars
Value of advances (£m) 1,174 -19 5,605 3 18,320 6
Number of cars 61,434 -28 305,190 -5 1,030,839 0
Used cars
Value of advances (£m) 1,204 4 3,809 8 14,006 11
Number of cars 109,244 -1 342,797 3 1,273,976 7

Cars bought on finance by businesses

New business April 2017

% change on

prev yr

3 mths to

April 17

% change on

prev yr

12 mths to

April 17

% change on

prev yr

New cars
Number of cars 47,672 -7 138,382 -2 502,726 -2
Used cars 
Number of cars  2,780 -8 11,005 15 53,226 42