Alfa, provider of Alfa Systems, has published a new paper on SaaS and cloud services. Cloud Services: Finding Success with SaaS discusses the different deployment models available, the factors technology teams should consider when making deployment decisions, and the consequent evolution of cloud deployment models.
It goes on to uncover the impact of cloud deployments on the agile delivery of complex enterprise systems transformation projects.
Co-author Chze Ling Wee, a member of Alfa’s Solution Architecture team, said: “The agile series guides decision-makers and project leads on how to approach modern enterprise software implementations. SaaS and cloud represent a huge part of that, so we hope the insights we share are useful.”
Finding Success with SaaS is the fourth publication in the Innovation in Implementation series, in which Alfa’s agile experts draw on their talent and experience to discuss ways agile methods can be used to deliver quickly and often. They present the main challenges to consider when operating within a complex systems landscape, with many interdependent factors that aren’t easy to separate into manageable chunks.
Download the Cloud Services: Finding Success with SaaS paper by filling in the form below.