Acquis are hoping to take home the coveted Rivermore Asset Finance donated AFPA Trust Big Quiz Trophy and win £10,000 for their chosen charity – Cinnamon Trust.
“We’re really looking forward to being part of the 2024 AFPA Trust Big Quiz and helping raise money for such worthy charities. Last year’s quiz was great fun!” said Jo Thorn, Client Development Manager at Acquis.
“This year, we asked our employees to nominate a charity close to their heart. After discussion and debate by the Charity and Social Committee, we agreed on supporting the Cinnamon Trust.”
The Cinnamon Trust is a national charity for older people, the terminally ill and their pets. There is a national network of fostering volunteers who can provide care for pets whose owners face a spell in hospital – volunteers take pets into their own homes and supply love and care in abundance until owner and pet can be reunited. When a pet is in the Trust’s care either short term or long term because the owner is in care, the owner is kept in touch with visits, regular photos and letters. The Cinnamon Trust also provides long-term care for pets whose owners have planned with The Trust well in advance, so owners have peace of mind in the knowledge that their beloved companion will have a safe and happy future.
Jo continued, “Acquis are looking forward to working closely with the Cinnamon Trust and raising money for the great work they do.”
Don’t miss out on the chance to win £10,000 for your charity at the AFPA Trust Big Quiz on May 23rd at the prestigious Royal Overseas League Club in Mayfair, London. Register your quiz team today!
For more information, contact Robert Taylor, Chair of the AFPA Trust ( or Aysha Ellis-Aziz, Deputy Chairwoman ( to book your tickets and apply for team entry.