Leasing Professionals

Leasing Foundation names charity of the year – Wings for Life


The Leasing Foundation has announced that it has chosen to support Wings for Life as its 2023 charity.

Wings for Life is a not-for-profit spinal cord research foundation with the mission to find a cure for spinal cord injury. It funds world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe aimed at healing the injured spinal cord.

Philip White, Wings for Life patron and an advisor to a number of business finance companies, said: “Progress in spinal cord research is largely driven by private funding and Wings for Life is dependent on donations from individuals and companies. The partnership we are forging with the Leasing Foundation will have a long-lasting impact on the lives and futures of individuals affected by spinal cord injury. A big thank you to everyone that supports us.”

Nathan Mollett, chair of the Leasing Foundation, commented: “Wings for Life is a cause very close to our hearts. The Foundation used to do a lot of charitable fundraising and we wanted to reinstate this with a specific aim of raising money for our own ‘family’. It is a privilege to work with Wings for Life – it is an incredible organisation, funding hundreds of projects across the world. We look forward to bringing the industry together to provide support where we can.”

The first official fundraising event will be a drinks reception in January 2023.