
New report reveals how green asset finance is creating a new business landscape

tieto green

As global economies begin the long journey to recovery from the Coronavirus crisis, campaigners are calling for governments to grasp a unique opportunity to launch a green revolution.

Lobbyists argue that now is the perfect time to make progress on fundamental changes to the way economies operate, to lock-in improvements for generations to come.

The potential opportunities this brings for green asset finance are assessed in a new whitepaper from TietoEVRY, a leading digital services and software company that employs around 24,000 experts globally.

tieto frontIn its new report, which is now available to download, TietoEVRY reveals how European governments are paving the way for a new finance landscape in Europe, how industry associations and businesses are putting environmental issues higher up their strategic agenda and what this means for the development of new finance products.

The report includes a review of the risks associated with green finance and looks at new products that are successfully responding to the changing business landscape.

To download your copy of ‘Green asset finance – a new business landscape’ complete the form below.

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