
What Coronavirus and the changing global balance of power mean for world markets

zeihan peter

Leasing industry veteran Bob Rinaldi interviews Peter Zeihan, author of Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World, for the latest part of his Leasing Avenues online series.

The wide-ranging interview looks at issues including the impact of Coronavirus on the economy, the future of Europe and China, along with the US election race.

Zeihan (pictured) is a geopolitical strategist whose previous roles have included working for the US State Department in Australia and developing analytical models for Stratfor, the private intelligence company.

Zeihan’s company supports clients in a range of sectors, including energy companies, financial institutions, business associations and the US military.

He has also written several books looking at the development of the US, including The Accidental Superpower and The Absent Superpower.

The interview is part of a wide-ranging series of industry discussions hosted by Rinaldi on the Leasing Avenues website.

You can find the Leasing Avenues blog at

Rinaldi Advisory Services provides advisory services to independent lessors, financial institutions, industry service providers, manufacturers, and international firms entering the US equipment finance marketplace.