
How to succeed in a digital asset finance landscape

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The world of asset finance is changing – it’s reinventing itself digitally. It has to do so, as customer expectations for better experiences are increasing while the pressure on operational costs continues to be high. How to compete and win in this ‘brave new’ digital landscape isn’t always straightforward.

Innovative new digital technologies now provide asset finance solutions that are quick, simple and seamless, with reduced paperwork, faster delivery of funds and enhanced customer service delivery that is highly personalised. In new research Cloud Lending commissioned Asset Finance International (AFI) to evaluate the role of digital technologies in driving digital transformation. To explore this topic, we developed a qualitative survey of global asset finance professionals who have influence over digital transformation strategy in their organisations.

Senior asset finance professionals participated, and AFI uncovered key tips for succeeding in this new digital world. What is clear from the survey is that asset finance organisations need to put their customers first and the key for asset finance organisations is to combine the digital with the personal.

The whitepaper says: “It is clear that technology makes the human part of work more important than ever. In fact, it is the talent you attract, embrace, and develop that will determine your success.”

Ben Sher, managing director of Cloud Lending, said: “Our study identified key actions that you and your organisation can take to ensure a positive outcome and optimise return on investment from your digital transformation initiatives.

“For asset finance organisations passionate about customer experience, it is imperative they undergo a digital transformation and use technology to drive superior customer experiences.

“But digital transformation is no small feat: It requires all-encompassing change that must be supported across the organisation.”

To download your copy of the whitepaper, courtesy of Cloud Lending, complete the form below.

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