Equipment Finance News

No change in top four in Leaseurope lessor rankings as UK companies fail to report


Leaseurope has released its 2013 Ranking of Top European Leasing Companies.

As at 2013 the companies were located in 24 different countries including both EU and non-EU member states. The firms are members of the 44 member associations represented by Leaseurope which in turn represent over 1,300 leasing companies accounting for approximately 92% of the entire European leasing market in 2013.

For 2013, Societe Generale Leasing Solutions once more takes pole position in the rankings and, indeed, the next three companies, BNP Paribas, Volkswagen Leasing and De Lage Landen International retain the previous year’s slots.

One of the biggest falls is Russian Federation lessor OJSC VEB Leasing which in 2012 was positioned fifth in the ranking but this year fell to 10th. Similarly, ING Lease, which was rated 10th in last year’s ranking has found itself at 20th this year.

Once again, for whatever reason, UK lessors are poorly represented in the ranking. Last year’s no. 37, UK-based Bank of America Global Leasing, has risen to no.28 while Asset Advantage Group, has risen seven positions to be this year’s no.61. Otherwise no other UK lessors have contributed – indeed Key Equipment Finance in the UK, which was 49th in the ranking last year failed to make any sort of appearance in 2013.

This year, however, 79 companies participated in this exercise. Of these firms, 62 are parent or stand-alone companies (bank related, captive or independent leasing companies) and 17 are classified as subsidiaries. These firms are ranked according to the value of their new contracts in 2013.

The figures are shown in the tables below, on a consolidated basis covering the parent and stand-alone companies only.

The final figures of the 2013 Annual Statistical Survey broadly confirm the preliminary European market results published this March. Total new leasing volumes increased by 0.7% to reach €251.9 billion.

Total new equipment leasing volumes, including vehicle leasing, grew by 1.9% to reach new business volumes of €238.4 billion or 94.6% of total new production in 2013.

Vehicle leasing was the driving force behind the market’s performance in Europe and grew by 5.1%. New equipment leasing volumes (excl. vehicle leasing) were more subdued and fell by 3.6%. Nevertheless, these markets performed better in the second half of 2013 than in the first six months of the year. Real estate leasing fell by 17.4%.

Parent and stand-alone companies in the Ranking Survey reported new leasing volumes of more than €130 billion, with an average contract size (all asset types considered together) of €35,678.

The total volumes reported in the survey represent 52% of all leasing business written in Europe in 2013*. The top 20 parent and stand-alone companies accounted for just over 42% of the total value of new contracts granted in Europe for 2013 and 27 companies reported new volumes of over €1 billion.

Leaseurope attempts to present an accurate representation of the Ranking figures. However, this exercise is not exhaustive as, while all European leasing firms are invited to take part in the survey, participation is on a voluntary basis. The full version of the Ranking is available to Leaseurope members and participating leasing firms only.

*according to Leaseurope’s 2013 Annual Statistical Enquiry, total new business volumes granted in Europe during the year reached €252 billion.

 Table 1a. Parent or Stand Alone Leasing Companies – Consolidated Figures

Rank Company Name Country

Total new business
within Europe
(thousands €)

Number of new
contracts within

1 Société Générale Leasing Solutions (incl. ALD Automotive)   France 11,966,354   340,907
2 BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions (incl. Arval)  France  11,920,580  436,403
3 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH  Germany  10,366,097  436,973 
4 De Lage Landen International B.V.  Netherlands  9,735,033  289,555 
5 Unicredit Leasing  Italy  8,807,820  127,232 
6 Deutsche Leasing  Germany  7,387,000  63,380 
7 Nordea Finance  Sweden   5,089,070 325,698 
8 LeasePlan Corporation N.V.  Netherlands  4,460,192  215,728 
9 Alphabet  Germany  4,460,192 178,922 
10 OJSC VEB Leasing  Russian Federation  4,154,869  26,971 
11 Credit Agricole Leasing & Factoring  France  4,002,907  90,430 
12 CM CIC BAIL  France  3,540,810  104,325 
13 Porsche Bank AG  Austria 3,117,452   102,554
14 DNB Finans  Norway   2,949,638 122,276 
15 RCI Banque  France  2,843,589  218,319 
16 TransFin-M  Russia Federation   2,753,270  155
17  NATIXIS LEASE France   2,568,000  
18 LBBW Leasing  Germany  2,420,085  41,523 
19 Siemens Financial Services GmbH  Germany   2,318,385  
20 ING Lease  Netherlands  2,229,564   17,629
21 Raiffeisen Leasing  Austria  2,150,487   53,882
22 Mediocredito Italiano – Gruppo ISP  Italy  1,587,478   6,482
23 Caterpillar Financial Services  Switzerland  1,450,565   11,125
24 Gazprombank Leasing  Russian Federation  1,391,777  315 
25 ABN AMRO Lease  Netherlands  1,359,295  11,185 
26 OJSC VTB Leasing  Russian Federation  1,342,517  10,531 
27 Europlan  Russian Federation  1,222,463  29,996 
28 Bank of America Leasing  United Kingdom  981,168  627 
29 Santander Espana  Spain  901,687  22,520 
30 CHG-MERIDIAN AG  Germany  809,564  11,700 
31 Alba Leasing S.p.A.  Italy  804,788  8,886 
32 IKB Leasing GmbH  Germany  717,201  14,989 
33 abcfinance GmbH  Germany  653,723  23,706 
34 Iccrea BancaImpresa S.p.A.  Italy  646,865  13,446 
35 PKO Leasing  Poland  612,906  12,760 
36 Gruppo MPS Leasing e Factoring S.p.A.  Italy  603,704  3,321 
37 mLeasing Sp. z o.o.  Poland  588,748  13,116 
38 Grupo Banco Popular S.A.  Spain  587,942  14,954 
39 Baltic Leasing  Russian Federation  572,184  7,505 
40 Belfius Lease  Belgium  537,629  7,761 
41 Millennium Leasing  Poland  530,283  9,688 
42 ÈSOB Leasing  Czech Republic   483,975 14,688 
43 Credit Suisse AG  Switzerland  460,784  6,904 
44 AKF Leasing GmbH & Co KG  Germany  389,700  6,551 
45 UBI Leasing  Italy  377,060  2,544 
46  Credemleasing S.p.A. Italy  359,216  2,597 
47 Gruppo Selmabipiemme Leasing  Italy  282,857  3,683 
48 Interleasing  Russian Federation   279,554 1,266 
49 Iveco Finanziaria S.p.A.  Italy   269,793 4,800 
50 Business Lease Group  Netherlands  268,426  10,912 
51 Banco Espirito Santo  Portugal  267,324   1,302
52 Stone-XXI  Russian Federation  235,836   3,228
53 Caixa Leasing e Factoring  Portugal  220,150   3,121
54 Banco Comercial Português  Portugal  201,758  2,189
55 Biella Leasing S.p.A.  Italy  199,732   3,174
56 Claris Leasing S.p.A.  Italy  176,938  736 
57 Masterlease Poland  Poland   123,962 8,348 
58 Interlease EAD  Bulgaria  107,505  3,979 
59 Piraeus Leasing SA  Greece  79,127   365
60 NLB Leasing companies  Slovenia  79,100  6,460 
61 Asset Advantage Group Ltd  United Kingdom   29,512 420 
62 Ýþ Finansal Kiralama A.Þ.  Turkey     354

Table 1b. Parent or Stand Alone Leasing Companies – Consolidated Figures (Outside of Europe)

Rank Company Country

Total new business
outside Europe
(thousands €)

Number of new
contracts outside

1 De Lage Landen International B.V.  Netherlands 11,071,920 146,663
2 Bank of America Leasing  United Kingdom 8,955,585 56,142
3 Société Générale Leasing Solutions (incl. ALD Automotive) France 1,136,348 20,924
4  BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions (incl. Arval)  France 644,292 13,849
5  LeasePlan Corporation N.V.  Netherlands 375,841 60,741
6 Deutsche Leasing Germany 368,000 628 
7 CHG-MERIDIAN AG  Germany 196,161 600