Equipment Finance News

Adam Tyler launches new online finance platform in ongoing quest to help UK small businesses


Adam Tyler, who stood down as chief executive of the UK National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB) last month, has launched FinancemyBusinessonline, a new business platform designed to make provision for greater access to finance for small companies.

Tyler has succeeded in combining his unique combination of knowledge of business lenders and funders in the UK, and the broker market, coupled with deep connections in the small business community as well as a well-trodden path into Westminster to provide the new solution.

He told Asset Finance International that the launch of FinancemyBusinessonline is aimed at using a network for the benefit of everyone, borrowers and lenders alike.

“The aim,” he said, “is still to continue to raise awareness in Parliament of the broad depth of funders and brokers available across the country and to instil that same knowledge in all 1.7 million SME’s in which I have direct contact. This will result in those small businesses being focussed on this new finance platform as the best way to find business finance and subsequently many lending opportunities will arise for those that appear.”

He added: “For all of those that know me, they are aware of how passionate I am about raising the awareness of the range of finance that is available to all small business owners and how they need to be directed to the many ways in which it can be accessed quite easily”

The site is now live at , and already has nearly 100 Lenders registered and there is opportunity for others to become part of the future of business finance. This is the first phase of the development of FinancemyBusinessonline and over the coming months through sponsorship there will be the addition of further lenders and easier access to find a regulated commercial finance broker.

Adam Tyler has a highly successful track record at linking small businesses to their required sources of credit.

He joined the NACFB when it was in its infancy. When Tyler arrived, the association was run from a small office above a gift shop in Exeter with one member of staff looking after 400 members and 48 Patrons.

Over the following 11 years he, with the input of a Board of volunteer members, guided and nurtured the association to its current position in the commercial financial arena. Today the NACFB is a highly-successful central London-based association with some 14 staff representing a membership of 1,600 across all the commercial finance disciplines supported by over 140 industry Patrons.

Tyler’s single-minded approach to the future prosperity of the UK intermediary sector and their sources of funding has been determined and ceaseless during his seven-year incumbency.

Adam Tyler said: “I have already taken this finance platform to MP’s in Westminster in my bid to continue to highlight the opportunities that exist for small business owners. The first SME group to have direct access to the site will go live in early February and all of those providing finance to SME’s whether directly or through authorised brokers will begin to benefit soon.”