Equipment Finance News

ABN Amro Lease team wins pole position in New Leaf Search’s fifth Great British Pub Quiz


The team from ABN Amro Lease (aka The Dutch Connection) were the proud winners of New Leaf Search’s fifth Annual Leasing Industry Great British Pub Quiz held in London last week.

Katherine Amin, New Leaf Search’s recruitment director told Asset Finance International: “The evening was such a tremendous success and provided guests with an excellent opportunity to compete head to head with industry peers and network in a relaxed atmosphere.

“It was a fun alternative to the networking opportunities provided by seminars, conferences and other formal industry gatherings.”

The Annual Leasing Industry Great British Pub Quiz is now a firm fixture in the annual British leasing calendar. On this occasion 11 teams of six (66 guests in total) were participating and represented a wide range of leasing and asset finance companies.

Each team member was presented with a coloured sash bearing the company name – with team captains wearing bowler hats and captain armbands.

Jane Theobald, recruitment director at New Leaf Search added: “A professional quiz mistress Lesley-Anne Brewis – the resident quiz expert in the BBC show ‘The Code’ (currently airing on BBC1) – hosted the event and ensured fair play.”

Winners received a New Leaf Search – Leasing Industry Great British Pub  Quiz 2016 engraved glass award, with each player also bagging a large bottle of Ruinart Blanc de Blancs NV Champagne, an NLS Cross pen and a Winners Certificate.

Entering into the “fun” spirit of the occasion the losing team was awarded an engraved Wooden Spoon Trophy, a wooden spoon each and a Pub Quiz book to share between them (to help prep for next year!)

The quiz teams comprised of:

Chart 1

Chart 2

Reinout Vente of the winning team ABN Amro Lease said: “Past performance allowed us to participate without any pressure on our shoulders. This is a great win for the team and raises the bar for our future delegates. This is not just a social event anymore!”

Other participants exclaimed: “Thank you for organising a great event – always good fun I hope you continue the tradition next year!”

“Thanks for a great evening yesterday.  We all really enjoyed it, as ever.  And…fortunately… we were successful in letting one of our customers beat us once again.  Surprising how easily we manage that!!”

“Many thanks for last night – we all thoroughly enjoyed it.”

“Quick line of thanks for another excellent quiz last night. As always, it combined the chance to network with a little intellectual stretch. Thanks for including us. One of these years we will win!!!

“Huge thanks for a great evening! Thoroughly enjoyable; great night and extended thanks from all”

Photograph shows winning team ABN Amro Lease: L-R:  Katherine Amin (NLS), Samantha Yardley, Alan Carter, Paul Meijer, Reinout Vente, Sajid Bhayat, David Whelan, Jane Theobald (NLS)

Katherine Amin said that Next Year’s event will be in May 2017 – final date to be ascertained.