Equipment Finance News

Profit warnings for UK companies reach highest first half total since 2011

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Credit underwriters employed by UK asset lenders may care to heed some recent research done by EY.

For while recovery in the UK economy continues to gather pace, intense competition, pricing pressure and currency headwinds are still denting expectations. As a result, EY reports that UK profit warnings are at their highest second quarter total for three years.

 UK quoted companies issued 137 warnings in the first six months of 2014, up 9% on the same period of last year and the highest first half total since 2011, according to EY’s latest Profit Warnings report.

There were 63 profit warnings in Q2 2014, nine more than the same quarter of 2013, but down by 11 when compared with the previous quarter.

Pricing and competitive pressures are clearly affecting businesses in 2014. In the first half of the year, 19% of profit warnings cited competitive or pricing pressures, compared with 7% in 2013. Adverse currency movements triggered over a fifth of profit warnings in the first half of 2014, compared with just 3% last year.

Consumer goods manufacturers in particular find themselves in the crossfire of pricing, currency and competitive pressures. The percentage of companies warning in FTSE Consumer Goods sectors has almost doubled, from 9% in the first half of 2013 to 16% over the same period this year.

The percentage of companies issuing profit warnings also rose year-on-year from 3.8% in Q2 2013 to 4.4% in Q2 2014.

FTSE sectors issuing the highest number of profit warnings in Q2 2014 were Support Services (7), Software & Computer Services (7), Household Goods (4) and Electronic & Electrical Equipment (4).

A welcome fillip

Keith McGregor, EY’s capital transformation leader for Europe, Middle East, India and Africa, explained: “For UK plc, the improvement in domestic demand has been a welcome fillip and this growth rests on a broader base than 2013, encompassing a rise in investment as well as consumption. However, translating this into profitable growth remains more problematic.

“The pound’s rapid rise is one of the biggest pressures on earnings. Although, the problem highlighted in profit warnings isn’t one of sales but of currency translation. Recent history shows that UK exports are relatively insensitive to currency effects. However, the pound’s leap to multi-year highs has caught out a number of companies who translate foreign earnings back into pounds.”

He added: “Price and competition pressures have also intensified.  While the recovery has boosted demand, it hasn’t eradicated the austerity mind-set of businesses or consumers.   Moreover, the low level of insolvencies means companies are competing in packed and competitive market place, lowering the normal level of returns.”

Mergers & Acquisitions: a predicted uplift

Concluding, McGregor said: “It could be another year of two halves. Perhaps not with the same drama as last year with the effects of tapering in the US or a mid-summer eurozone crisis, but the second half of 2014 will pose a few more challenges than the first.  Central bank actions have helped to quash volatility, pushing asset prices to pre-crisis highs. However, the countdown to a new monetary era will bring new tests and greater volatility as markets begin to re-price risk.

“With the countdown to a new era in monetary policy beginning in earnest and the potential for more volatile markets, companies need to think carefully about their capital needs and allocations. Low growth in international markets and low inflation will also pose significant challenges. Operational and financial fitness are vital to ensure companies make the most of any top line growth and attract investment. 

“M&A provides the other obvious answer to the growth conundrum. We expect deal volumes to stabilise after several years of decline, with the potential for a modest increase. However, we will continue to see higher value driving sentiment in M&A across all sectors.”