Market Data

Asset finance new business grew by 6% in September 2023


New figures released today by the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) show that total asset finance new business (primarily leasing and hire purchase) grew in September 2023 by 6% compared with the same month in 2022. In the nine months to September 2023, new business was 14% higher than in the same period in 2022.

The business new car finance and commercial vehicle finance sectors reported new business up in September by 49% and 12% respectively, compared with the same month in 2022. The plant and machinery finance sector reported a fall in new business of 22% over the same period.

Commenting on the figures, Geraldine Kilkelly, Director of Research and Chief Economist at the FLA, said: “The asset finance continued to report growth in September albeit at its slowest rate since July 2022. The vehicle finance sectors reported further robust growth, but the machinery and equipment finance sectors recorded lower levels of new business. September saw new lending to SMEs fall by 3% compared with the same month in the previous year, the first contraction since April 2022. By contrast, new business to larger businesses increased by 24%.

“The economic outlook has weakened following a sustained period of high inflation and higher interest rates. Nevertheless, FLA asset finance providers remain optimistic about growth opportunities as shown by the FLA’s Q3 2023 Industry Outlook Survey. Respondents identified a range of opportunities from the development of new products, diversification into new sectors, and through supporting businesses to transition to net zero.

“The FLA has called on the Government to recognise the vital role the asset finance industry plays in support business investment by extending the full expensing regime to include leasing and rental in the Autumn Statement.”

  Sep 2023

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3 mths to

Sep 23

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12 mths to

Sep 23

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Total FLA asset finance (£m)  3,373 6 9,473 13 37,618 15
Total excluding high value (£m)  3,246 7 9,130 14 36,014 18
Data Extracts:
By asset:
Plant and machinery finance (£m)  558 -22 1,743 -14 7,776 0
Commercial vehicle finance (£m)  866 12 2,463 12 9,838 13
IT equipment finance (£m)  108 -46 323 -20 1,254 -19
Business equipment finance (£m)  171 -9 487 2 1,918 -3
Car finance (£m)  1,274 36 3,334 44 12,481 41
Aircraft, ships and rolling stock finance (£m)  19 -37 89 20 339 2
By channel:
Direct finance (£m)  1,447 14 4,208 22 16,555 27
Broker-introduced finance (£m)  689 -10 2,019 1 8,294 13
Sales finance (£m)  1,109 11 2,902 13 11,165 9
By product:
Finance leasing (£m)  299 -11 894 7 3,507 6
Operating leasing (£m)  839 34 2,350 54 8,604 47
Lease/Hire purchase (£m)  1,784 2 4,886 1 20,347 9
Other finance (£m)  331 -8 1,048 22 3,934 9