Leasing Professionals

Fleet Alliance rated Best Workplace for Women 2023

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Leasing and fleet management specialist, Fleet Alliance, has been voted A Best Workplace For Women for a third year in a row and the only fleet management company in its category to achieve this accolade.

Fleet Alliance CEO, Andy Bruce (pictured), said: “We are delighted to win this award for the third successive year, operating as we do in a male-dominated automotive industry, and proud to be the only fleet management and leasing company in the Medium category.

“We have always sought to make Fleet Alliance a happy, inclusive and welcoming environment without prejudice or bias of any kind, so this award is fitting recognition of that ambition,” he said.

“This third ‘Best Workplace For Women’ award demonstrates what we hope are consistent values and, in a wider context, forms part of our highly important Environmental, Social and Governance agenda,” he added.

The qualifying criteria for the Best Workplace for Women require a minimum of 25% of women in the workforce; a minimum of 20% women in mid-level management; and a minimum of more than one woman on the board of directors or at executive level.

Fleet Alliance’s corresponding figures are 54%, 45% and 36% – well above the national average.

The all-inclusive environment at Fleet Alliance is nurtured by its core social commitment ‘Fleet Alliance Loves’ that anchors the working environment and is based on four principles: fairness, trust, engagement and respect.

“All employee actions, regardless of the level of seniority in the business, are underpinned by these Fleet Alliance fundamentals. Make all those elements work, and you have an environment in which women are welcomed and valued,” added Andy Bruce.

Reaction from female employees at Fleet Alliance to the latest awards success was universally positive.

“This is great news. At Fleet Alliance, our shared values fuel a thriving community where every woman is valued, supported, and inspired to reach her fullest potential,” said Finance Director, Angela Robertson.

Social Media Manager, Charlie Strand, added: “Fleet Alliance is an amazing company to work for. I have never worked somewhere where you genuinely feel like one big team, and everyone is willing to go above and beyond to help each other. The business provides fair opportunities for all in the workplace and offers a great sense of value and empowerment to all its employees.”

Lindsey Hanning, Junior Business Analyst and Junior Business Tester, commented: “Throughout my experience at Fleet Alliance, I have always felt welcomed and valued as a woman. Personally, I have been given incredible opportunities to develop professionally, despite working in a predominantly male-led role.”

And Software Developer, Olivia Newberry added: “Everyone is friendly and treats you as an equal regardless of your gender. It’s a great place to work.”