Leasing Professionals

First-ever AFC next-gen keynote is Ken Hunnisett, head of public sector at Triple Point

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Asset Finance Connect (AFC) is delighted to announce that this year’s inaugural next-gen keynote address for its June 13th event will be delivered by Ken Hunnisett, head of public sector at Triple Point.

Ken will explain to an audience of up to 100 next-gen delegates from the UK’s leading auto and equipment finance lenders how – among other things – impact-linked funding deploys pricing strategies which are designed to incentivise and reward social or environmental value creation – in the same way that pure profit-focused pricing is designed to maximise profits for lenders.

The next-gen keynote kicks off the first next-gen stream of content, established by Asset Finance Connect in association with the Leasing Foundation.

The stream delivers on two important objectives for both organisations: First, it creates an exciting marketplace of ideas where young auto and equipment finance professionals can meet to consider how their industry can drive solutions which will create good outcomes for the planet and the people who live on it. Second, it seeks to integrate young professionals at an earlier stage than ever before into the industry networks with all the career, social and personal well-being that provides.

As a Certified B Corp, Triple Point are part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. Triple Point were verified by B Lab as a Certified B Corp in December 2022, reinforcing its commitment to be counted among companies that are leading a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.

While many view ESG as a lens through which to undertake enhanced due diligence, or worse still, a framework against which you can green-wash financial products to make them less bad, sustainability and social value creation have been at the heart of Triple Point since it was established 18 years ago.

Triple Point have focused on creating a culture that values its people and invests wisely to deliver profits with purpose. They have integrated environmental, social and governance criteria into their company culture, values and investment decisioning for the lasting benefit of colleagues, investors, investees and society at large.

The certification is a validation of the company’s multi-generation commitment to high standards of positive environmental and social impact.

Triple Point has developed an impact linked pricing model for borrowers in high social impact sectors. Impact-linked funding has traditionally been the focus for not-for-profits and public sector partnerships where one or more partners in the ecosystem are willing to pay the opportunity cost of delivering the social or environmental benefits. As lenders, secondary funders and customers start to focus more on maximising people and planet alongside profit, the approach becomes an increasingly important mechanism for delivering non-profit related benefit.

Ken will discuss some of the environmental projects initiated by Triple Point including a company-wide project with The Carbon Trust to implement a net-zero roadmap so that targets will be aligned to the Science Based Targets Initiative, along with their Digital 9 Infrastructure (D9) and Triple Point Energy Transition Infrastructure Company (“TENT”) strategies; and social projects including the facilities sculpted by Triple Point for Level Financial Technology Limited and a private cancer centre, both of whom benefited from reduced interest charges the more the user-education platform was facilitated and cancer treatment benefited patients.


10 next-gen workshop leaders to discuss career opportunities and challenges with next-gen attendees

Following the keynote, the next-gen delegates will discuss career opportunities and challenges at a series of ten workshop sessions, each led by an industry leader or industry expert who can help delegates with advice and the benefit of their experience. Workshop leaders have been selected from a range of industry backgrounds. The sessions will be run using AFC’s proprietary three question discovery process.

Workshop leaders will include:

  • Susie Ralph, transformation director, Barclays UK
  • Steve Nichols, head of asset finance, Time Finance
  • Astrid Michael, head of sales, United Trust Bank
  • Ken Hunnisett, head of public sector, Triple Point Investment Management
  • Inayah Noormahomed-Qureshi, associate, Shoosmiths
  • Mark Nelson, director, Compass Business Finance
  • Vicky Edwards, chief people officer, Alfa
  • Nina Babou, head of underwriting, Novuna Business Finance

Tickets for the event are available until the end of May at a discounted “early bird” rate visit the AFC Summer Conference website at: https://afcconferenceuk.com/afcuk/en/page/book-now

Tickets for next-gen delegates are available at a discounted rate. Contact Louise Clavey for more details.

Next-gen criteria: When deciding if someone qualifies for a next-gen subsidised place, please use the following as guidance: Next-gen candidates include people who are not already embedded deep in the asset/auto/equipment finance market; people who are at an early stage in developing an industry network (beyond their immediate colleagues); people who are making decisions on their career path (i.e. may even be trying out different specialisms); those with specific career concerns (e.g. D&I); those who are driven by purpose; bright people with promise who would benefit; and/or those who are keen to share their experience with the above.



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