Leasing Professionals

Investec announce chosen charities in their bid to win £10,000 at the AFPA Trust Big Quiz

AFPA Trust

Participating in the AFPA Trust Big Quiz on May 18th is Investec, who will be supporting two local charities – New Beginnings Reading and Oxford Food Hub.

Wes Harfield, Head of Asset Finance Group Sales at Investec said, “We choose to donate to two local charities that we feel are very relevant to current issues – tackling poverty at the heart.”

New Beginnings Reading is a homeless charity based in Reading, UK. Their aims are the prevention and relief of poverty and financial hardship of persons in Reading and the Greater Berkshire area who are in need due to social or economic reasons, regardless of their religion or belief. This includes (but is not limited to) providing clothing, food, essential items, temporary accommodation, sign-posting to other support services and assistance with independent living. The charity promotes social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people in Reading from becoming socially excluded and relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.

Investec’s second chosen charity is the Oxford Food Hub, the centre of surplus food redistribution in Oxfordshire, rescuing surplus food from wholesalers, supermarkets, restaurants and more, and redistributing it to charities and community organisations across Oxfordshire. The Oxford Food Hub redistributed over £1.5 million of food in 2022 at no charge.

Sponsored by LTi Technology Solutions, Paragon Bank, Close Brothers, VitrX, Rivermore Asset Finance, Acquis Data Services, Cordoba Rewards and Asset Finance Connect, the AFPA Trust Big Quiz will take place on May 18th at the prestigious Royal Overseas League Club in Mayfair, London.

For more information, visit the AFPA Trust website at https://www.afpatrust.com/event/the-afpa-trust-big-quiz/ or contact Robert Taylor at rtaylor@ltisolutions.com to book your tickets and apply for team entry, but be quick as places are limited.