Leasing Professionals

Nominate your organisation or a colleague for an asset finance connect award


Asset Finance Connect is delighted to announce that it will be running its Summer Awards sponsored by Alfa, on 13th July 2022 at the Hurlingham Club in London. This event will replace its previous two awards dinners which have been run after our twice-a-year International Asset Finance Network Conferences in London.

“In the past our authoritative awards have come at the end of our intensive conferences, causing them not to make the very high impact they deserve to our large audience of senior decisions makers who have already spent a day networking and taking part in our rigorous conference sessions.” Said Edward Peck, CEO of Asset Finance Connect (the new name replacing International Asset Finance Network and Asset Finance International).

“This year we decided to separate the awards from the conference, and to use the opportunity to further develop our awards programme, add a bit of razmataz, and to give the industry a last networking opportunity in a lovely summer setting before they go off for their holidays.”


“This change has been made as a result of feedback from the 500 attendees of our conferences, and is the first in a number of incremental improvements we have planned for 2022 and 2023. We are already getting a great reaction from the industry and delegates and nominees should act quickly to book their places in this inaugural event” said Eva Lindsay, head of events at Asset Finance Connect.

If you would like to know more about the Summer Awards then please contact Eva Lindsay at evalindsay@assetfinanceconnect.com Sponsorship opportunities are available from Jane Smith at janesmith@assetfinanceconnect.com