Leasing Professionals

Asset Finance Connect Awards Nominations Go Live!

summer awards

Asset Finance Connect’s Summer Awards website is now open for organisations to add their nominations for award winners and to book their tables.



“There are lots of new awards that industry players will want to compete for – and you have until 19th April to get your nominations in,” said Edward Peck, CEO of Asset Finance Connect.

Asset Finance Connect Employer of the Year – for the best auto and/or equipment finance company to work for. Make sure your employees nominate your firm!

Asset Finance Connect Broker of the Year and Asset Finance Connect Lender of the Year – if you are a lender who works with a great proactive broker then make sure you put in a nomination for them. Similarly if you are a broker who works with a great partner then send in your nomination to recognise their good practice

AF50 awards for the firms who have performed best this year – no need to enter these categories – we research the biggest and the best firms and identify the firms who have grown fastest.

Asset Finance Community Awards – which recognise the best employees and the best teams in your organisation. If you have a member of staff or a team in your organisation who deserve recognition – then make sure you nominate them to win the “AFC outstanding achievement award 2023” or the “AFC excellence in compliance award 2023” or the “AFC excellence in technology award 2023”

Tables for the awards are already over one third booked

Don’t delay booking your place at the Asset Finance Summer Awards Night – the early bird rate is just £2,000 for a table for ten or £1,450 for a half table. Prices rise on 11th May one day before we announce the short list of awards winners.

Believe it or not we are already one third full based on last year’s capacity – which was 360 guests. We’re planning to release more tables this year – and to have lots more fun.

Who’s already booked their place at the July’s party?

We’ve had lots of companies already book their tables for the awards including our sponsors and Asset Finance Corporate members – who have jumped in fast to secure their places.

  • Alfa – headline sponsor
  • LTi Technology Solutions
  • Acquis
  • VIP Apps
  • Shoosmiths
  • Simply
  • United Trust Bank
  • Propel Finance
  • Novuna Business Finance
  • Compass Business Finance
  • Close Brothers
  • Haydock Finance
  • Metro Bank.

We’ll keep on updating the list as we move towards the event – but the prime position tables will be allocated on a first come first served basis – so if you don’t want a prime position book your place early.

Got a question about the awards or the dinner?

Email our head of events Eva Lindsay at evalindsay@assetfinanceconnect.com, Louise Clavey at louiseclavey@assetfinanceconnect.com or Edward Peck at edwardpeck@assetfinanceconnect.com – and we will answer your queries quickly.

We look forward to reading your nominations! We look forward to seeing you at the awards night!